NOxy Health Products
Pioneering Solutions in Nitric Oxide-Based Wound Care
NOxy Health Products is a healthcare company driven to developing innovative medicines that harness the natural restorative power of nitric oxide to heal chronic wounds.

About Us
Our Mission
It is our mission to reverse the overwhelming cost and trauma resulting from the epidemic of chronic wounds affecting millions of people throughout the world each year. We believe our research and resulting innovations in nitric oxide-based wound care topicals will help start a transformational shift from wound management to wound healing, while helping to restore the health, well-being and quality of life of those who suffer from chronic and debilitating wounds.
Our Team
Our team of accomplished scientists, health care professionals, business and thought leaders (with an average 25 years of experience) brings deep experience in building and operating biotechnology and health care services companies. Specifically, the team has developed and commercialized a number of health care patents, operated clinical wound care and senior care centers, and guided new drugs and devices through the clinical trial and FDA processes.
Given this wealth of experience, we are excited by the huge potential of nitric oxide-based wound care products to benefit millions of people struggling to find a real solution to addressing their chronic wounds.

Nitric Oxide in Wound Care
What Role Does Nitric Oxide Play in Wound Healing?

Nitric Oxide (NO) is a compound naturally occurring in the body that is critical to the wound-healing process.1,2 Because of its ability to communicate and signal within the body, NO has been labeled the “Miracle Molecule.”1,2 This tiny molecule communicates to surrounding tissues and blood vessels in extraordinary ways.
Researchers have discovered and subsequently demonstrated that NO has the capacity to improve the flow of oxygen and nutrients directly to the wound, promote healthy inflammation, target and dismantle pathogens, and ignite the development of new tissue and microvessels.1-3
But sometimes due to age, disease or other factors, the body lacks the ability to produce and deliver sufficient Nitric Oxide on its own when impacted by wound or injury.4 In such cases, theoretically, an alternative is to deliver NO exogenously or from outside of the body, an area of research that NOxy Health is currently investigating.3
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Email: info@noxyhp.com
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1. Luo, J., & Chen, A. F. (2005). Nitric oxide: A newly discovered function on wound healing. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 26(3), 259–264.
2. Malone-Povolny, M. J., Maloney, S. E., & Schoenfisch, M. H. (2019). Nitric Oxide Therapy for Diabetic Wound Healing. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 8(12), e1801210.
3. Jones, M. L., Ganopolsky, J. G., Labbé, A., Wahl, C., & Prakash, S. (2010). Antimicrobial properties of nitric oxide and its application in antimicrobial formulations and medical devices. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 88(2), 401–407. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00253-010-2733-x
4. Torregrossa, A. C., Aranke, M., & Bryan, N. S. (2011). Nitric oxide and geriatrics: Implications in diagnostics and treatment of the elderly. Journal of Geriatric Cardiology : JGC, 8(4), 230–242.